In common with other towns founded by the Staufer dynasty Gelnhausen had its own mint. Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa permitted bracteates to be minted here. These were hollow coins made from thin silver sheet and had the impression only on one side making them like little dishes. One of the coin motives was the double portrait of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his wife Beatrix of Burgundy. Beatrix also appeared alone.
Gelnhausen was founded in 1170 by Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa
St Mary’s is the hallmark of Gelnhausen.
The narrowest point on the Via Regia or royal highway between Frankfurt and Leipzig
It is a modern architectural decoration from 2002 designed by the Gelnhausen artist Achim Gogler.
The oldest monastery in the town on the north side of the Upper Market Place
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Barbarossastadt Gelnhausen
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