The former synagogue is the last of the Jewish religious buildings in Brentanostrasse, which was called Jews Lane until 1906. The synagogue is a Baroque building which was extended in the Classical style. The synagogue and its Baroque ark remained undamaged in the pogrom of 9 November 1938, because there were no more Jews in Gelnhausen and the synagogue had been sold for use as a storehouse. It was reopened as a cultural centre in 1986.
The mint in Reusengasse Gelnhausen could mint its own coinshad its own mint.
St Mary’s is the hallmark of Gelnhausen.
Dates from the 12th century and served as administrative building and town hall.
Gelnhausen was founded in 1170 by Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa
The narrowest point on the Via Regia or royal highway between Frankfurt and Leipzig
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Barbarossastadt Gelnhausen
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